Moderatorzy: Michał_1977, italiano_83, G0 Karcio, Haki, Qto, marcin7x5, VIP
Kod: Zaznacz cały
1. (Chirp Power) move pin 2 wire (factory horn) to Pin 1 of the new siren connector, move the wire in T15/11 location (CCM) to T15/3(CCM) location - Signal
2. (Siren Ground) move Pin 1 (factory horn) to Pin 2 of your new sirene connector - Ground
3. (24hr Recharge Power) This wire goes into Pin 3 of your new connector, and then you run it to your CCM where you splice it into T15/12 of CCM(existing)-power (this is an existing power wire already going into the CCM) You are simply splicing your new wire coming from your new sirene into the existing wire going into the CCM.
Plugged up the New connector to the new sirene,
and then
4367->from 225 to 112
4368->from 225 to 112
4369->from 225 to 112
nowa będzie działać, a stara przestaniematthew93 pisze:tylko pytanie po ingerencji w eprom modułu odpinam ori klakson w podszybiu, i na stałe mam włączoną tą dokładaną syrene ?
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